And I need to move my blog again. I thought I'd have oodles of time to get my act together and get it at my home site before the URL became outdated. Oh well, it will happen at some point. I'll link everything in when I do move it.
I've been thinking about goals, resolutions, intent for the year. Spent a quiet day home today in the company of the 3 borrowed cats, watching The Secret again and taking notes. I've evolved my theme for '08: Lavish Abundance; and my guiding principles: Be in Enlightenment, Honor myself, Love.
I just know Barb is gonna get the giggles at the seeming contradiction between my theme and principle #1. (She was very amused that I'd blogged about Being Peace and then followed that with I Love NASCAR.) But Abundance means to me
- spiritual teachers popping in to my life
- lots of time to meditate, think about what I want so I can intend it into being
- new friends (I am especially deficient in guy friends - I think they all got scrubbed off during the marrying decade and I didn't make any more)
- intellectual exercise (gotta meld Quantum Physics and Chaos Theory. (This summer a young punk of a U of R PhD Physicist sneered that they couldn't possibly meld as Chaos Theory is purely mathematical. Ummm, yeah ...)
and unexpected delights as well as increasing income. So, neener neener, they don't contradict.
I was up very late last night, Kathi's kids were wired and we were up til 2. So I'm sleep deprived and have to be at a business meeting tomorrow at 9. And it's snowing out - which means get up real early to make sure I have enough time to get where I'm going. Time to head to bed.