Sunday, January 25, 2009

Variable time

So 10 days ago I was annoyed with myself because it seemed like I had been looking for a place FOREVER. Hah! I thought about it - started looking in December. Of 08. 6 weeks. But I had a couple trips - oh yeah, I actually started looking mid-December, cause I got back to CA on Nov 29th, then had a trip to Pennsylvania on the 7th and 8th and waited til I got back from that trip to start looking. So that makes it 4 weeks.

Aaaand, I put an offer in on a townhouse last Monday, it was accepted. A flurry of activity sped this past week by in a blur - ZIP! Spent a couple evenings this week reading through what seems like hundreds of pages of disclosures. Made a lot of notes. Most of yesterday was dedicated to the process - met with my realtor and reviewed our notes, then went to the place and went through it thoroughly. Then talked with the president of the HOA for an hour, about how they spend, their attitude, etc. I like it.

I am so excited. When I saw this place I thought it was the sexiest place I have ever seen. I still think so and cannot wait to get in and start furnishing it my way.

Here are a couple of pics, this is their furniture. Oh yeah - will be looking for furniture. My decorating theme is "Whimsically edgy". I am enlisting all of you for help - I do not like the stuff in the conventional stores. Need pointers to places for unusual furniture - I like clean lines. I like color. I like offbeat. I like natural fabrics and wood and stone. I do not like overstuffed, slipcovers, thick legs, 4 poster beds. Don't even point out anything that's a repro from any dead french kings or english queens. Bzzt!

Gorgeous gorgeous.

Looking out through the kitchen.

Master bedroom suite #1. The closets all have built ins - no need for dressers, yay!

TWO fireplaces!! One down, one in my bedroom.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

The ultimate weapon

Time to unleash the real power in the world! Old fat naked women for peace!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Just keep walking ...

Been condo shopping. I have seen a couple that I like, and am still staggered at the prices. And they are down froma couple years ago! I mostly do want my own space, but also have very much been enjoying being Renees roomie. It's great to have someone to talk with and share chores with. Whoops, just remembered laundry in progress. better go attend that...

This seems like how I moved from Germany to Rochester, I stayed with Greg & Andrea for a few weeks before moving into my place. That worked out OK, so I am sure this will too. Time to fledge.

The weather here was insanely great this weekend. I talked with Beth HomeEast, and she was shovelling the driveway. Said it probably wouldn't get much past 20 degrees today. I am so happy to be in California. My life there is fading from memory, except every once in a while comes the jolt - holy crap! I have a house there!

So it feel like I don't know what I am doing. But I keep putting one foot in front of the other, hoping that I am making progress.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

OMG January 2009

Well, I wrote down my goals for 2009. Ambitious as always. But not entirely me, if recent actions would prove. Turns out white wine is a really bad idea for me. One glass the other night had me in a fugue. Over a move at work. OK, it's been 4 months since I've had a spot of my own there, a coworker essentially moved into my office and kicked me out while I was on vacation in Israel and I have ben a nomad ever since - all the while coming to the realization that I need to put 150% behind my work there (hello? 100 days in Rochester in 08, 30 days on planes, 7 weeks on the road ... plus very hard work - think I'm dedicated???)

Sales meeting to kick off 2009 was this week; was having a grand time immersing myself in the team. But Tuesday night, made the mistake of having one glass of white wine at the sales team dinner, then reading email. The email was titled "good news and bad news" and the body was how I needed to move out of the space I was currently in, by the next evening. ... and that was it. No destination, just kicked out AGAIN. My reply was "And the good news would be, exactly what?" and my mood just spiraled down from there. Ended in tears. I went out of the dinner to compose myself, was gone for 25 mins, no one noticed. (that sure didn't help!!) And I told myself a pity story about no one noticing and things just got blacker from there. Why do I do this? ... I guess I must must need sad. Plan for 09, really to believe "let everything that happens be OK".

Woke up the next morning remembering a bad patch a few months ago. Have put a note in my calendar - "white wine BAD! makes you cry". Hope to avoid this in the future. Even one glass only had a big effect on me. Oof. Remembering a white wine and Frito dinner of Feb o6. Not good.

I am so disgusted at the seesaw I put myself on. But talking with others, it seems like the human condition. How the heck do we ever get anything done?