Sunday, January 11, 2009

Just keep walking ...

Been condo shopping. I have seen a couple that I like, and am still staggered at the prices. And they are down froma couple years ago! I mostly do want my own space, but also have very much been enjoying being Renees roomie. It's great to have someone to talk with and share chores with. Whoops, just remembered laundry in progress. better go attend that...

This seems like how I moved from Germany to Rochester, I stayed with Greg & Andrea for a few weeks before moving into my place. That worked out OK, so I am sure this will too. Time to fledge.

The weather here was insanely great this weekend. I talked with Beth HomeEast, and she was shovelling the driveway. Said it probably wouldn't get much past 20 degrees today. I am so happy to be in California. My life there is fading from memory, except every once in a while comes the jolt - holy crap! I have a house there!

So it feel like I don't know what I am doing. But I keep putting one foot in front of the other, hoping that I am making progress.

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