Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Happy summer!

The weather Home West has been so wonderful this year for all but tomatos. My friends who garden say it's been too cool. I have been loving the cool - almost cold nights. I am headed to the land of air conditioning, though - going back Home East to visit and to clear the last of the things out of my house there - have a renter moving in. Technically, this is a 'rent to own'; from my online research it seems that most of those do not end up buying the house. I'll know more in a year. But meanwhile, the house will be occupied and cared for, which is a great worry off my mind.

I have my clothes all laid out to pack. I am rarely happy with my selections when I get to where I'm going - is this common? I try to think ahead while I'm here, and as soon as I get there, I know immediately what I should have brought instead of what I did bring. I'm working on premembering that, this time. Was going to pack this morning before work, but now I think I'll wait until I get home tonight. I also always want an evening of leisure before a big trip - just hanging out, reading; but I rarely get that either. Hmmmm. Time to adjust my attitude there.

The house here is looking good, the lower side garden got shaped up with my roomie's help. Flowers look good, and the roses are blooming again. This is the first place in CA that I've had roses. Turns out I like them.

Ta for now. I hope to write from the road.

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