Friday the 9th, dragged myself out of sleep at 8:40 or so - 5:40 body clock. At 9, called the local pool place - I had arranged for them to come out and open the pool. "Oh", she says, "They left 5 minutes ago". Awk! Threw clothes on and scrambled. Got to the house 30 minutes before they did, caught up on email, looked at the items remaining in the house. Once the repair guys got there, I zoomed up the way to a local diner, got breakfast, made a run to Wegmans for breakfast for me for the next few days. Back as the pool guys were stopping. Turns out the pool wall was damaged by ice last winter. Have to get a specialist out to repair it. Meanwhile, the tenant wants to get into the house on the 15th. Yikes!
Around 1:30 or so, Nancy showed up! Yay! She took a break from parent duties and drove up to visit. We went out for lunch, and it started pouring. And the temp dropped 15 degrees, thankfully.
Took Nancy to Andrea's to see the pond view. We hung out for an hour or so, talking about elder care and all the things we're dealing with - clearing stuff out of houses, staying on top of meds, helping them adjust to a lower level of capability. This is a difficult phase - and a lot of the people I know are going through it in some form. Plus a bunch of us are wondering what to do, really, with our lives. I feel like I've been in transition for years. I can't see to what I'm moving, but I'm determined to stay in the process and not give up. I'm getting almost comfortable with this uncomfortable feeling. :-)
Saturday morning was processing the stuff that was still in the house, getting things out to the garage for the Salvation Army pickup that was supposed to happen that day. (They never did.) The realtor came over, so did the tenant/buyer. We went through the final things to be fixed, evolved a plan and I showed the tenant through the place, how to work things, some of the quirks. I'm sure I'll need to tell her more, too.
Here's a few pics from those days:
The house, emptying out
Gorgeous sunset on the pond, after the rains on Friday
Beautiful weekend after the rains passed through.
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