Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Postcard from California

Impossibly beautiful fall day: High clear blue sky, bright warm sunshine; trees changing colors, energy and joy and traffic all over the place! Perfect day for golf, as I write this from Pasatiempo, an Alister MacKenzie course in Santa Cruz. I'm at my kick-ass fun smart gorgeous friend Kristen's house. The laptop I'm writing on has to have the screen propped up and I'm told the original power supply was eaten by Danny, the new collie puppy. !!! That can't be good for the system.

Today, on my way to Kristens, I visited my former house, was afraid that it would be this big grief event. It wasn't. I am happy to have moved on. I love northern CA and am actually looking forward to going back to Rochester. Hunh???? I am committed to supporting family, hanging out with Dad and Greg, Andrea and Gavin. And maintaining these closer family ties. I've been telling my dear friends here what fun I've been having reconnecting with all my relatives. And CA is here for me when I want it. I will get work that pulls me here every few weeks for a while as I do love it here. And I'm happy to be straddling both worlds. Let's see if I can add a few more worlds to bop between!!! I've got room for even more great places.

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